In April 2023, seven photographers took portraits of staff, audience members, supporters and companions at the Schauspielhaus Zürich whom they encountered in their daily work, at premieres and shows. The result is a snapshot of people who crossed or visited the theatre this spring, who work in it, shape it, and contribute to it. The selection does not claim to be complete, it is a reflection of the moment. It will expand into the digital space on the Schauspielhaus channels over the course of the 23/24 season, and more portraits will be added. This issue is dedicated to all the people who are an important part of the house and are connected to it from near or far, but who do not find themselves in the photos.
Photography: Binta Kopp, Diana Pfammatter, Flavio Karrer, Gina Folly, James Bantone, Reto Schmid, Philip Frowein sowie Fotos von: Andrea Ebener, Andrea Zahler, Bea Borgers, Boris Müller, Carolin Windel, Carolina Frank, Christian Knörr, David Uzochukwu, Diana Tinoco, Eike Walkenhorst, Elio Donauer, Emilien Itim, Emma Lou Herrmann, Katharina Lütscher, Lauren Fleishman, Lukas Wassmann, Paulina Hildesheim, Sophie Bassouls, Christian Neuenschwander, Tobias Brust, Valeriano Di Domenico.
Design: Studio Laurenz Brunner (Laurenz Brunner, Stefan Fitze)
Typefaces: Bernie, Rekord (Source Type)
Code: Julia Novitch